How to Develop a Growth Mindset.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset.

When you see people that are successful, skillful, or intelligent, how do you think they reached there? What did they endure to earn those characteristics? Or did they just get lucky?

These characteristics result from hard work, perseverance, persistent learning, and a growth mindset.

How we contemplate ourselves and our capabilities can significantly influence our actions at work, studying, and in everyday life. Unfortunately, only some people are capable of thinking about their skills and abilities and may make assumptions that can be negative. So here comes the word Growth Mindset. How can we achieve our goals using this growth mindset?

Discover what it means to have a growth mindset, how they can help you, and the steps to take to break away from a fixed mindset.

In this blog,

What exactly is a growth mindset?

Debunking myths about growth mindsets

  • An organization can have a mindset.
  • Growth mindsets automatically lead to positive outcomes.
  • The mindsets are either/ or
  • Everyone has an unlimited potential
  • A growth mindset is the same as a positive mindset.

Growth mindset realities

  • Most people are someplace in between
  • Only some people can achieve everything.
  • A growth mindset is more than just an effort.
  • Positive outcomes come from a growth mindset and working toward a goal.

Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset

Main attributes of a growth mindset environment

15 tips for developing a growth mindset.

  1. Determine your mindset
  2. Discover why you want to develop a growth mindset
  3. Look for examples who have developed a growth mindset.
  4. Change your outlook on failure.
  5. Understand your limitations
  6. Observe the way you speak and act
  7. Review the success of others
  8. Make mistakes
  9. Be kind to yourself.
  10.  Seek feedback
  11. Learn to value the process more than the end outcome
  12.  Every time you achieve a goal, set a new goal.
  13.  Redefine the word “genius.”
  14. Highlight growth over speed
  15.  Try different learning strategies.

Growth mindset examples

Benefits of a growth mindset in the workplace

  • Improved problem-solving capacity
  • Greater creativity
  • Change in perspective
  • Perseverance and tenacity
  • Better Morale

How to develop a growth mindset in the workplace

  • Create learning opportunities.
  • Encourage the employees to speak up.
  • Avoid group thinking.
  • Relate employee performance evaluation to learning and not productivity.
  • Invest in staff training, learning, and development.
  • Classify both success and failures as learning opportunities.


What exactly is a growth mindset?

A mindset is nothing but self-perception, various opinions people hold about themselves. A person proves a growth mindset when they are confident that they are not limited to inherent traits or abilities but instead, they do have the aptitude for learning, growing, and improving.

People who have a growth mindset always see prospects instead of hindrances. They love to take up challenges or even challenge themselves to learn a new skill or job rather than just being in their comfort zone.

The Indian corporate culture these days considers such factors for the benefit and success of their organizations.

Debunking or Exposing Myths about growth mindset

Sometimes, some people need clarity about what exactly growth mindset theory means; hence, we debunk some common growth mindset myths and converse about a few realities.

An organization can have a mindset.

Some enthused leaders often criticize that “our organization has a growth mindset.” Which is not true at all.

Organizations are made of many people, and every individual has their mindset. Therefore, organizations can develop growth mindsets in the individuals within it as a part of their company values.

Growth mindsets automatically lead to positive outcomes.

A growth mindset alone does not assure any results. However, a growth mindset, in combination with a commitment to individual growth, motivation to improve oneself, and time invested in developing a skill, initiates positive results.

The mindsets are either/, or.

We tend to classify with one another when introduced to growth and fixed mindsets. Whereas the reality is that mindsets cannot be either/ or. One needs to choose from them.

Everyone has unlimited potential.

The fact is that not everyone can accomplish everything. Unfortunately, some people are confident they can achieve anything effortlessly if they have a growth mindset, which is inaccurate. Individuals with a growth mindset are aware of their inborn abilities and limitations and understand that their capacity for achieving their goals does not start or stop with their inherited traits.

A growth mindset is the same as a positive mindset.

A growth mindset is not just simply being optimistic. It is about having faith in the potential for development, and learning a new skill comes from practice and determination.

Growth Mindset Realities

Most people are someplace in between.

Some people have mindsets in the middle and some strongly lean toward one side. Their ability to improve depends on teaching tactics and their understanding, attention, and commitment to learning. But some might think that their reading and writing skills are inherent.

Only some people can achieve everything.

Everyone has limitations, and interference with a growth mindset might help but cannot be overcome entirely.

A growth mindset is more than just an effort.

An effort is significant. But more crucial for any achievement is the attitude towards learning a new thing and their view on failure as a part of the learning process.

Positive outcomes come from a growth mindset and working toward a goal.

There is always room for improvement for people with a growth mindset, whether students or employees. However, they also know that to achieve their goals, they must understand that failure is a part of learning, try and take up challenges, develop new tactics to overcome each challenge, and put in all their time. Positive results can only be obtained when they work with these views in mind.

Growth mindset vs. Fixed mindset

Those with a fixed mindset believe that their inborn traits, talent, and qualities are ‘fixed’ and cannot be enhanced or changed with training. As a result, people with fixed mindsets generally avoid taking up challenges and need help to evolve or improve. Those with fixed mindsets ignore criticism and believe that they know everything already.

On the other hand, those with growth mindsets have different perspectives toward their goals. They always want to learn. They get inspired and motivated by the success of others and tend to work hard towards achieving their goals. People with growth mindsets are continuously open to criticism, trying new strategies, improving their skills, and setting new goals.

You need to develop the right environment to engage more individuals with a growth mindset in an organization. This means you need to promote and motivate them with the idea that anyone can achieve success if they apply the right strategies, work hard, and take help to improve themselves.

These are a few of the attributes of a growth mindset work environment.

Hard work, grit, and perseverance are appreciated over talent.

Instead of rewarding and acknowledging the employee for their natural talent, try and talk or recognize the hard work that has been put into the task or at the workplace. Please take note of those who have shown strong determination in completing their goals and reward them.

Employees are helped and encouraged to learn new skills.

The leaders in the organization may set goals that may be out of reach and challenging to start, but this turn can develop employees to try new diplomacies and evolve their practices. They also support the employees by advising them to achieve their tasks.

Employees are encouraged to experiment and try new ideas.

Many organizations have the attitude of ‘No idea is a bad idea.’ Therefore, they tend to listen, implement new ideas, and look at overcoming obstacles.

The staff looks at failures as valuable learning opportunities.

The staff who may not have been able to hit the target should positively discuss what learning they got from the failure and what should be done to turn it into a learning experience for the employee so that they can improve themselves and reach their goal.

Staff is trained to help develop critical thinking skills enabling them to deal with challenging issues.

The organization should have open table discussions, develop learning materials, introduce necessary training, motivate them to overcome challenges, and monitor those employees who need support to learn and grow.

The employees are encouraged to share their views regarding the set challenges. Their opinions should also be respected in terms of learning and evolving.

You can sense the growth mindset has taken place when the employee openly accepts the mistake as they can see a learning opportunity or some scope for improvement.

Tips for developing a growth mindset

Determine your mindset.

Firstly, determine whether you have a fixed or a growth mindset. You need to know this attribute to reach any endpoint.

Discover why you want to develop a growth mindset.

What is motivating you to change with a growth mindset? Is a growth mindset bringing any change in you? These are some questions you need to ask yourself and understand, as this will give you a good purpose during the difficult stages of development.

Look for examples who have developed a growth mindset.

Talk about a growth mindset with your colleagues, friends, and family. You might get to know someone who is working on developing one and can share some valuable insights.

Change your outlook on failure.

No one is perfect, and no one can achieve their goal in one ideal go. We all must go through failures when achieving our goals. Try to look at a loss not as a sign of inability but as a part of a learning process.

Understand your limitations.

It would help if you recognized that some things would be beyond what you can achieve. By doing this, you can set up simple goals. Further, it will also help you understand that some activities may require even more effort than the ones you naturally have.

Observe the way you speak and act.

Noticing how you speak and act can help in developing a growth mindset. Phrases such as ‘Oh, he is naturally talented” and “I am not good at this’ should be changed to “I am not good at this yet.” Try to search for people with growth mindsets and build relationships with them.

Review the success of others.

Try to see or meet people who have done something against all odds. Please think of how they succeeded, used their ability, and developed their capabilities.

Make mistakes.

We all know that no one gets anything right on their first attempt. So allow yourself to make mistakes and then learn from those mistakes. Then, rather than giving up on the task, thinking it is impossible to achieve.

Be kind to yourself.

Rather than demoralizing yourself for your failures, try and identify your potential and motivate yourself to buck up. Being mindful will help you improve your communication, associations, and emotional help.

Seek feedback

Whether or not you have succeeded in your project, seeking feedback from others is the best way to develop a growth mindset. They may share their thoughts on your development and will highlight the improvement areas.

Learn to value the process more than the end outcome.

Intellectual people enjoy learning and are okay with taking a little longer than planned.

Every time you achieve a goal, set a new goal.

We are always learning. Always maintain interest in the topics which you have finished earlier. Those with a growth mindset are constantly setting new goals for themselves and trying to broaden their knowledge.

Redefine the word “genius.”

Genius requires hard work along with talent.

Highlight growth over speed

Gaining knowledge fast is different from learning well, as learning well requires time to overcome mistakes.

Try different learning strategies.

You can learn new things or new strategies using different models. It is optional that what works for one person the same may work for you. And there is no such model for learning that fits all.

Examples of developing a growth mindset

Here are some examples that can help people develop a growth mindset

“It’s never too late to learn.”

To develop a growth mindset, always think you are young enough to learn anything new. But, unfortunately, the common obstruction in the ability to learn is our own will rather than the actual ability. As a result, we need to remember what we have within us.

“It is fine if I fail, at least I learnt something.”

Failures are always the best way to learn. Fear of failing could limit your trying capabilities. Learning from your mistakes ultimately leads to success.

“I can always improve at something if I try.”

Start believing that the more effort you put into your craft, the better you will become. Do not give up on the first sign of failure.

“What can I do better next time to make this work.”

Ask this question to yourself if you face failure. Analyze yourself and learn from that mistake. Identify how the thing could be done differently next time. Show willingness to improve yourself.

“I am patient.”

Nothing worth doing comes to you quickly. Everything takes time, and for that, you need to be patient. Your brain, too, needs to absorb the new information to apply it. After that, things will fall into place; just time is required.

Benefits of a growth mindset in the workplace

Having individuals with a growth mindset in the workplace can be beneficial as it can make learning and development within the organization a better experience for everyone.

The following benefits of having a growth mindset include:

Improved problem-solving capacity

People with a growth mindset often see problems as exciting challenges and will learn something from them. They will also use lateral thinking to solve issues and pick up new ideas from different areas, as they are fearless in trying new things.

Greater creativity

Individuals with a growth mindset have divergent thinking toward problem-solving increases creativity and enhance the growth mindset pattern. Also, the invention improves efficiency, saving the organization money and resources.

Change in perspective

If a comparison of individuals with growth and fixed mindsets is carried out, the perspective of a growth mindset individual will spot that growth is about the ride more than the destination.

Perseverance and tenacity

Employees with a growth mindset are more likely to keep trying and not give up on the first obstacle.

Better Morale

In a growth-oriented organization, employees know they are being judged on their performance based on their effort and creativity. Therefore, employees with a growth mindset will always be motivated and committed to their job and will try to improve the morale of the co- employees.

How to develop a growth mindset in the workplace

The mindsets of people are often very personal and different. But we all can develop a growth mindset in the workplace. Likewise, the organization can take steps to build a growth mindset in the workplace, as it can impact the company’s performance, culture, and workplace relationships, which can help productivity.

Below are some suggestions that can help develop a growth mindset in your workplace:

Create learning opportunities.

Launch programs that empower the staff to learn new skills. Consult the team as to what they want to know. Use in-house expertise to cross-train between the departments. Make use of technology to train the staff.

Encourage the employees to speak up.

Talking to only the selected employees for new ideas or plans, try listening to others’ perspectives, as you may never know that good idea may come from unexpected sources.

Avoid group thinking.

Group thinking happens with a fixed mindset, where it tends to follow the ideas with conventional thinking, which may lead to poor decision-making.

Relate employee performance evaluation to learning and not productivity.

The conventional performance appraisals might look at productivity, but changing this approach and examining how the employees are growing and developing can establish the organization’s growth mindset.

Invest in staff training, learning, and development.

Try and upskill, mentor, and reskill the employees, as this development plays a vital role in establishing a growth mindset.

Classify both success and failures as learning opportunities

Nobody loves to fail. Shaming an employee when a particular project fails will decrease their morale or confidence; in the future, they may not share their thoughts or ideas. Instead, the employees should be motivated and encouraged to do even better.


Using the above methods, you can change your psychology, deal with challenges, and go after what you want to achieve. So keep challenging and learning, and see yourself succeeding like a pro.

Changing your mindset is nothing but seeing things in a bit different way. Learning never stops and should never stop, either.

Challenging yourself and continuously learning something new can make you achieve your goals and will also develop your personality. Always remember there is no age or time to learn anything new. You need to come out of your comfort zone and push yourself to do that, and then you will see everything coming your way.


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